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Learn about the science behind our antimicrobial lights.

VioClean™ (powered by vital vio) lighting is very different from ultraviolet (UV) light that attacks the DNA structure of a microbe and is very dangerous for human exposure

VioClean’s patented antimicrobial light technology delivers a precise spectrum of visible light (400nm – 420nm) that initiates a photo-activation of porphyrin molecules found exclusively inside microbes (not humans, pets or plants). This photo-activation leads to the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). In high doses, ROS cause irreparable damage to the cellular structure, which leads to bacterial cell death.


VioClean™ lights shines on the bacterial cell and activate molecules within the cell.

VioClean Delivers Continuous Protection in Two Powerful Modes.

Antimicrobial+light mode

Vio Clean 抑菌燈
Vio Clean 抑菌燈

Ideal when you need to illuminate your space with beautiful white light

Enhanced Antimicrobial mode

Vio Clean 抑菌燈
Vio Clean 抑菌燈

Perfect for downtime or continuous overnight cleaning

VioClean technology constantly cleans every area of a room, but at different rates based on distance from the light. Laboratory and controlled room experiments show >90% microbe reduction in a treated environment for one day. In an actively used facility, statistically significant reductions can occur in a matter of weeks.

Vio Clean 抑菌效果圖

Chances are that your current cleaning solution allows for intervals of high bacteria growth through this type of intermittent cleaning. By installing our light technology, you can continuously inhibit microbial growth and significantly decrease their presence.

Vio Clean 抑菌效果對照圖

VioClean has conducted several years of clinical and field research and is committed to constantly researching new applications and new environments. We have conducted microbiology tests in high-risk clinical environments and an expanding range of other settings. Case studies are available on request.

VioClean™ is powered by vital vio and licensed exclusively in Taiwan. If you are interested in using the technology at home or your workplace in Taiwan, please contact us for more details.

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